
Can I also my order to a delivery address to send abroad?

Orders can only be sent to a delivery address in Eastern Canada (Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, PEI, Newfoundland)

With which carrier sends Oil & Vinegar my order?

We use Canada Post to deliver your goods.

How soon can I expect my order?

From the moment you receive the confirmation email, you can expect your order within 5 business days. If a delivery takes longer than 5 working days, please contact us. We then investigate why the delivery is delayed and try to resolve any problems. We will contact you if your order goods are unexpectedly out of stock. In that case, we will customize the order in consultation with you, or you can decide to let the entire order expired, in which latter case the entire purchase price will be refunded.


How are shipping costs calculated?

Shipping costs are standardized to $20.00

Why does Oil need my Data?

We need your information in order to be able to send the ordered products to you. If you place an order with insufficient or incorrect information, there is a possibility that we should postpone the delivery of your order. Your e-mail address is used to send order confirmations and information about your. Therefore, it is important that you check your data before you place an order.