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Rightly so a great success in the Oil & Vinegar collection! This Lavender Vinegar is made using grape must, red wine vinegar and lavender and is created with patience and respect for nature and tradition: handmade and organic.

Red wine ages for three weeks in old oak vats, under a temperature of 86°F, so that it ferments as part of natural process – rather than quickly and forced – into vinegar. This natural process is also known as the Slow Orleans method.

Then the wine vinegar ages for years – in this case no less than 12 years - according to the Solera method. Next, parts of the vinegar are systematically transferred to other vats with a different age of vinegar, where the older vinegar gives its color, flavor and aroma to the younger vinegar. Thanks to this process, you are guaranteed a complex and flavorful vinegar.

By adding organic lavender, grown on the Rozendal estate and processed according to family recipe, this pure, honest and aromatic Lavender Vinegar is made! Expect a titillating combination and a rare flavor experience.

Lavender Vinegar is delicious in salads. A good suggestion would be a salad with goat's cheese and strawberries. Another tip of the house is to use the Lavender Vinegar as a reduction with roasted lamb or venison. Heat up the vinegar in a pot until it slightly caramelizes into a somewhat syrupy sauce. Truly a delight!


  • red wine vinegar (47%), grape must (47%), lavender (6%). Acidity: 6%.