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This marinade with an Italian touch is excellent for the preparation of a large variety of dishes due to the flavors of basil, onion and garlic. Because of the high concentration a little of the Saveurade is needed. With one tablespoon you can prepare 100 gram of fish or meat, which is a great combination with Saveurade Assisi. But there are much more possibilities.

For a surprising dressing for Carpaccio or a caprese salad, mix 1 tablespoon of marinade with 3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil and 1 tablespoon of vinegar. Also delicious: a soup with 3 portions of broth and 1 portion of cream and some Saveurade to your own taste. With 1 to 2 tablespoons and 100 gram butter you easily prepare a delicious herb butter. Use the Saveurade at the pizza crust and cover the pizza with goat cheese, sundried tomatoes and rucola. Magnifico!

The Saveurade Assisi is one of three delicious culinary marinades, exclusively available at Oil & Vinegar. Also try the Saveurade Sevilla with peppers, tomatoes and onion, or the Fréjus with garlic, parsley and onion. All equally irresistible, to endless pleasure!


  • fully hardened rapeseedoil, parsley, glucose syrup, salt, onion (6%), basil (5%), garlic (5%), stock powder (salt, hydrolysed rapeseed protein, potato starch, sugar, flavour, maltodextrin, sunflower oil, laurel, clove, turmeric) natural garlic flavour, anti-caking agent: silicon dioxide, rosemary, oregano, natural onion flavouring.