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Romesco originally comes from Tarragona, Catalonia, and is inextricably linked to the recipe for the so-called calçots: roasted scallions from the barbecue, with a creamy tomato-nut sauce. This dish is traditionally eaten to celebrate the arrival of spring, but the Romesco sauce is irreplaceable in a dish with grilled fish or baked meat. Add 1 to 3 teaspoons of the sauce to your dish and it will get a delicious Mediterranean taste.

Romesco also works extremely well as a dipper with a piece of artisan bread, or – diluted with some water and oil – as a dressing for an appealing salad. All in all: a versatile all-rounder with a premium taste.

  • tomato puree (40%), olive oil, almonds (6,66%), hazelnuts (6,66%), garlic, breadcrumbs (wheat flour, water, yeast, salt), vinegar, spices, salt.