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In Southern Italy this regional specialty is occasionally called ‘Scrocchiarella’. Locals categorise it as bread substitute. The process of preparation is also comparable to the preparation of bread. A special mix of different types of flour, extra virgin olive oil, salt and different types of herbs is kneaded into a supple dough. Forcanti Cheese is still made in an artisanal way by a family firm from Bitonto in the Southern Italian Puglia.

Forcanti Cheese is ideally suited to be smeared with all kinds of toppings because of its flat surface. However, it can also very well be eaten with a dipping sauce. Cover Forcanti with fresh cheese or with a delicious tapenade or cream. Also without a topping Forcanti cheese is a delicious snack because of its cheese and onion flavor. When you seal the package after opening, you can enjoy the Forcanti – crispy and delicious – for another week. 


  • wheat flour, vegetable oil, extra virgin olive oil, cheese 2%, onion 1%, salt, wheat malt, brewers yeast, cheese and onion flavour, flavour enhancer: E621, anti-caking agent: E551.