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This chocolate fountain is the ultimate indulgence for any chocolate lover and the center piece of every party! Delicious and fun for all ages. Whether you use it with cocktail sticks and fresh fruit such as strawberry, melon, grapes, pineapple or in combination with soft marshmallows. Looks great, it's fun and absolutely delicious!

The Chocolate Fountain Passionate is cordless so it's easily set up anywhere. With a fully charged battery it can be in constant use for 45 minutes. Thanks to the adjustable anti-slip legs, this piece of machinery is very stable.

For optimal use, use about 600 grams of chocolate and a chocolate type with a high cocoa ratio which is available freely in any supermarket.
The chocolate is kept at a constant temperature of 38° C in order to keep it in a molten state, which won't caramelize or burn.

After use, the machine can be cleaned easily. All loose parts can be put in the dishwasher.

There is no greater chocolate enjoyment!