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In the Guérande at the Atlantic French coast, a special type of salt is obtained. The mineral has a greyish colour and a different structure compared to other salts. It is reaped by hand. This already makes the salt special, but the fresh white truffle makes the salt even more exceptional. To be exact, white truffle is the most exclusive of its kind.

With the self-explanatory scent and taste of truffle, this Sale con Tartufo Bianco is absolutely recommended to foodies. You can flavour cold and warm dishes – such as fish and meat, carpaccio and tartar, pasta’s and rice dishes – with this amazing truffle salt. Try the salt in your risotto, dip your toast or bread in a little olive oil mixed with the truffle salt, or mix the salt with the water you use for cooking your pasta for an unprecedented truffle taste!

Oil & Vinegar has a big and diverse collection of truffle products. A festival for the truffle lover!