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Italian sea salt is originally from the coast of Sicily and it is naturally rich in minerals like iodine, magnesium and potassium. The sea salt contains less sodium chloride than table salt. Therefore, this sea salt is a healthier alternative to table salt.

Sea salt is often obtained by the natural evaporation of pure seawater in saltpans. Saltpans are ponds that are less than one metre deep, where people evaporate water in the heat so only a layer of sea salt will remain on the soil. Because of the crystallization small and big grains are formed, that can be used for many things after the salt has been rinsed two or three times. This type of salt extraction has been known for over 1500 years and some of the basins still in use date from the time of Charles the Great. Back in those days salt was even more valuable than gold. That is why back then, salaries were paid in salt. 

Italian Sea Salt is perfect to season your dishes. The coarse grains can be used during cooking and they can be combined with many other ingredients. The sea salt is delicious when it comes to preparing marinades, meat, fish, vegetables and dressings or other sauces. 


  • Sea salt

Sea Salt Italian