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The Oil & Vinegar Olio di Oliva series consists of extra virgin (EV) olive oils from Tuscany in which pieces of fruit, spices and vegetables have been added, as well as natural aromas. Aside from this lemon olive oil variety, the flavours Basil, Chilli, Garlic and Truffle are also available.

All you need to do is shake well before using the Olio di Oliva EV Lemon so that the pieces of lemon and the natural lemon aroma is evenly spread in the extra virgin olive oil. Enjoy this summery, excellent quality oil in a dressing with, for example a fruit vinegar. Or sprinkle it over shellfish or fish for a zesty flavour accent. Also refreshingly delicious is a small splash mixed in a muffin or cake mix. 

  • extra virgin olive oil, lemon (3%), natural lemon flavouring.

Olive Oil EV Lemon