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Oil & Vinegar selected a unique series of flavored olive oils: Olio di Oliva. These are based on an Italian extra virgin (EV) olive oil, to which bits of herbs, vegetables or fruit and natural aromas have been added. Olio di Oliva EV Chili is one of these.

Did you know that chili peppers are originally from South America? A guide accompanying Christopher Columbus on his travels brought this spice to Europe and the rest is history. All kinds of dishes profit from the extra strong, spicy and intense chili pepper aroma and flavor, which stimulates appetite and digestion. Shake well before use and the Olio di Oliva EV Chili is ready for use during cooking or for the finishing touch on your favorite dish!

Not a fan of chili pepper? Then the flavors Basil, Lemon, Garlic and Truffle are also on the shelf. The choice is yours!

  • extra virgin olive oil, chilli (4,5%), natural chilli flavouring.